Still down and out. Nearly 3 weeks of complete rest haven't produced much in the way of concrete results. On the plus side, some chiropractic adjustments managed to help alleviate the % of time I'm in pain. Some PT work has helped me figure out the exact movements and muscles that cause the pain (and how to avoid them as much as possible). Moving from ice only to alternating ice and heat modalities has helped eliminate pain under certain conditions (mostly static). But the big freaking down side remains: the pain is pretty much at the same *intensity* when it does happen. Nights are the worst....sleeping tends to aggravate things so first thing in the morning, things hurt worse than they do later in the day. Tomorrow, I'm going for a corticosteroid injection. One one hand, I'm not at all excited about it. When the lady making the appointment asks me twice (just to make sure) if I really want a shot in that area, I'm guessing it'll be a tad uncomfortable. Plus, I like healing naturally if at all possible, and the rounds of Aleve did nothing other than hide the pain for a while. On the other hand, the hours I've spent researching this thing indicates one thing: corticosteroid injection of the pubic symphysis *can* speed recovery. At this point, I just want to feel like I'm on the road to recovery, and the lack of progress while under total rest helped make this decision for me. Here's hoping the short-term pain tomorrow results in some long-term gain.