13 miles in 1:43:14, 7:56/mi, HR 164. Sunny and warm (~63F). The distance felt difficult and the HR was high again...some was likely the warm weather but mostly its still lost fitness from the post-marathon recovery and 2 week break. I'm really wanting to never do that again. I am a bit sore and tired from yesterday's yardwork.....building a short retaining wall that requires digging below the topsoil level, leveling with sand, moving sod, laying the bricks, etc. I'm so not into this physical labor... Crosstraining: 16 cycling miles in 1:25:38, 5:21/mi, HR 142.
Decided to take a late afternoon bike ride on some of the logging trails near home. Wound up getting a better appreciation for the hills on this route....I was in gear 1 of 24 and laboring to get to the crest more than once. No wonder they hurt when I run them. Otherwise, just a nice day for a bike ride in the woods.
Asics GT 2120 - 411.11 miles.