LM warmup (10 reps), 7.03 miles in 51:10, 7:16/mi, HR 151. Stretching. Weather warmed up enough to melt most of the snow and ice on the roads. Goal was to pace Jim through 6 miles at 6:40/mi pace. Not everything went as planned. First mile was in 6:51 and it had Jim working way too hard; obvious (to me) that he wasn't fully recovered due to travel. Suggested we switch to a mile on/mile off format, so he could get some hard running in while recovering between repeats. 2nd fast mile was in 6:48, still a bit slow, probably because our slow mile was too fast and he didn't recover enough. 3rd fast mile in 6:37....got the rest correct that time. Last mile was in 6:48 for me, a bit slower....mentally harder since we were on the main road and were running into traffic without a shoulder after dark....not ideal. Good MP workout for me and most of the faster miles felt pretty easy.