So the good news is that my ankle held up really well, bad news was that I could really tell I haven't been running. This really wasn't driven home until around mile 18 when me calves started cramping really bad and I more or less couldn't run. First half of the race was great, body felt great, ankle felt great, energy was sky high, pace was very comfortable and I was not working at all. At mile 2 I somehow got caught up with a serious dough head. Between miles 2-4 I bet he about ran me off the course 4-5 times. The last time a decided to throw an elbow up just to let him know I was there. He promptly apologized but I was still kind of ticked. At mile 5 we came up on another guy who was doing some crazy weaving back and forth so I decided to dump both of them at that point. I was comfortably sitting in 6th until mile 20. Half split was 1:23:14 dead on where I wanted to be. I still felt fresh. Had a bit of a garmin incident right here but it didn't bug me too bad. I settled in on my pace and was just cruising. Mile 20 there is a bit of a hill and I had been fighting cramps for about 2 miles by then and it just really sucked at this point. I made it up ok, but it just kept getting worse. By mile 24 I was saying it would be easy still to get sub three but my calves had different ideas. So a pretty subpar race for me. I'm ok with the results. Wasn't sure how I'd do. I knew I hadn't done long runs like usual and no long tempo runs to speak of. Two weeks of more or less of nothing but spinning and a week before that of taking time off to heal up = not a really good race. My ankle still feels pretty good, quads are great but my calves are still cramping as I sit here. Not sure if I'm going to run the planned half in two weeks. |