AM - 2 mile warm up was feeling more alert than normal this morning which was a surprise. Ate a banana before I started and had a gel at mile 9. 12@6:18 MP Felt more or less ok for the entire run. HR was around 150 most of the time. At the end it started creeping up but I wasn't too concerned. Stomach was kind of knotting up and hurting, it was different than the "normal" cramps, still in knots a little. We'll see how it feels durning this afternoon's shakeout. 2 mile CD. Good workout, I accomplished what I had wanted for this and will probably stay with this type of a tempo run for a few weeks before bumping it up any. PM - 7.87 OUTSIDE. didn't bring cold weather gear to work but went in shorts and my fleece I usually wear to and from gym, no gloves. It was so nice to do this outside. I loved running through the puddles and feeling the water splash against my calves.