AM - I awoke at the witching hours (Jeff's famous 4:30AM) because I knew I had to get this in as it might be my only decent length run this week. 3 mile warm up 22:19. I was congested and not feeling great to start this off and still pretty sleepy. I guess this was a great tempo run because I didn't sleep well last night (just like before a race). Took a gel and potty break then hit the main part of the workout. 9.65 Tempo 60min / 6:13 avg. Just kind of started and let the legs go numb at 4.5 I started throwing in progressions which was kind of fun. I felt really good during and was wondering how long I could've continued on. 2.5 mile cool down 17:45 resisted the urge to leave the TM at MP and settled in for some slower miles to finish it off. I really like my new shoes, a bit too heavy for races but great for training. PM - 8/59:22 Easy recovery run during lunch.