Stiders 10K Race today. I had a plan for the hills, and I did pretty well sticking to the plan and I think it payed off (my plan was to not die on them). I started out at a comfortable pace for the first mile. (That pace is only comfortable for about a mile anyway) My garmin beeped well before the first mile marker, but those are my only splits so I will share those. Mile 1 in 6:11 and I was right on track. The hill at mile 1 was a bummer and I struggled to change gears to come back down it. I enjoyed the flat and slightly downhill section right before the second climb. I was able to latch on to someone and work together up the next (monster) hill. It got pretty ugly for me up that climb. 6:17 second mile and 7:09 third mile. I had a hard time speeding up on that flat section at the top of the climb. It took a couple of blocks of steady downhill to finally go. 5:45 and 5:47 mile splits for miles 4 and 5. Scott passed me during those fast miles and I didn't have the guts to push harder and stay with him. The last uphill was tougher than I thought. I feel like I went strong up it, but my mile split was a dissapointing 6:12. I was able to close the gap to a couple of runners that got away during the downhill, but they pulled away again on the last downhill. Grrrr. I was too tired to care enough to kick more as we ran another lap around the building.

I measured 6.28 miles for the course so that last .2 (.28 measured) time was 1:35. My finish time was 38:59 (6:16 mi). 17th overall and 7th in my age group. I am pleased with the result and I even ran the last 5K pretty close to a PR time. My HR was almost the exact same as it was during the 5K (between 180 and 187 with an average of 181)
Ran an easy 2 to warmup and 3.55 to cool down. 56 miles for the week. Next week I will bump it up to 60 and hold for a couple of weeks.