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Ogden Marathon

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Member Since:

Aug 04, 2008



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

I've run off and on (more off than on) throughout my adult life. Most recently I started running in May of 2007.

5K PR: Colder Bolder in December 2009 in 22:50.

10k PR: Bolder Boulder in May 2009 in 48:06.13.

1/2 Marathon PR: Canyonlands Half-Marathon in March 2010 in 1:43:20.

Marathon PR: Newport (Oregon) Marathon in June 2010 in 3:42:17.

I have completed two full marathons.

Short-Term Running Goals:

Get back to consistent running.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Sub 3:30 marathon.


I grew up in Utah, but live in Colorado now.

I am married and am a working mother of four children, ages 9-19.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Nike Lunarracer Lifetime Miles: 284.91
Brooks Adrenaline Trail Lifetime Miles: 574.62
Brooks Green Silence Lifetime Miles: 681.13
Brooks Adrenaline 10 (2) Lifetime Miles: 424.52
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Saucony Omni 7 Miles: 7.50Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 45.20
Night Sleep Time: 34.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 34.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy run + 6 x 10 sec. hill sprints.

Weather: Maybe about 48-50°F.

I ran naked this morning. In other words, my Garmin had a dead battery. So I have no pace or good weather information. I don't know how that happened because I thought I charged it after my run on Saturday. I had to reset it a few days ago. I hope it's not giving out on me. I've only had it for a year.

My husband and I both talked to our mothers yesterday and they each seem to misunderstand this marathon endeavor, but in different ways. My mom is just worried and wanted to make sure that there would be someone to drive me to the finish line when I collapse on the course. My mother-in-law, on the other hand, said to my husband, who is overweight and badly out-of-shape, "Why don't you run it with her?"

My mom did say that one of my niece's might be able to drive my mom up to Ogden to watch the finish of the race.


Saucony Omni 7 Miles: 7.50
Night Sleep Time: 6.50Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 6.50
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Marathon Pace Run. 2 miles easy, 4 miles @ MP - 10 sec./mile, 3 miles easy. Average pace: 8:51.

Weather: about 52°, but good weather data is lacking because motionbased is down again.

I didn't feel like getting up and running this morning, but I felt better once I did it. I was shooting for about 8:15 on the MP - 10 sec. mile section of the run. I didn't quite make it on the first of the 4 MP miles despite that it was largely downhill. I guess it just took me a while to get warmed up. Splits were 10:09, 9:30, 8:25, 8:14, 8:13, 8:10 (this mile was uphill and hard) 8:56, 9:00, 9:03.

My training schedule says to take a rest day the day before the race. However, I think I'm going to take a rest day tomorrow and then run short and easy on Thursday and Friday. I often feel a little sluggish the day after a rest day and tomorrow's a travel day anyway.

Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 9.00
Night Sleep Time: 6.50Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 6.50
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Rest/travel day.

I leave for the airport in about 45 minutes. I thought about running today and resting tomorrow, but I didn't have time for a run this morning with all the travel preparations. I suppose I could go for a run after I arrive at my sister's house this afternoon. We'll see.

I was driving out of the neighborhood earlier this morning to do some errands and I saw the Barbie doll out walking. Not only was she all dolled up with her hair and makeup and velour track suit as usual, but she was sporting ample (and probably silicone enhanced) cleavage. I guess that's what she does when the weather gets warm. I just don't get it.

I'll be seeing some of you soon!

I've been planning and preparing for this marathon for so long, I can hardly believe it's actually time to go to Utah and run it. I'm trying to think of it as a long run with extra food!


4:30 pm - Easy run on a rail trail outside of Park City, Utah. Elevation 6600 ft. Average pace: 9:28.

Weather: 57°F, 21% humidity, wind 8 NNW.

I thought that it was high elevation and hilly where I live. Well, we got nothing on the area where my sister lives. You can see Jordanelle Reservoir out her back window. The roads around here are all big looong hills. I didn't want to trash my legs running on these hills, so my sister showed me this rail trail that is quite flat. It was a nice place to run, though a little rockier than the Highline Canal Trail where I usually run. I saw quite a few people on bikes on the trail. I'll take a rest day tomorrow and then will probably run 4 miles easy on that rail trail again on Friday morning.

Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 6.00
Night Sleep Time: 7.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy run. Average pace: 9:45.

Temperature: 32°F.

It's cold up in them there hills at 6:30 in the morning. I ran on the rail trail again, but a different section than I ran the other day. This section took me up to where I was actually running between the east-bound and west-bound lanes of I-80. That was a little weird. But there's really a lot of space between the two sets of lanes and the ground is lower, so I don't know whether people on the highway could even see me.

I spent all day yesterday at my mom's house working on a quilt that I got roped into making for the 6th grade. It was kind of a nice because I got a lot done and it kept my mind off the race. Now today is all about the race. I'm getting ready to head up to the expo pretty soon. And tonight I'm going out to dinner and then having a slumber party with Lori and Marion!

Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 4.00
Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
Race: Ogden Marathon (26.2 Miles) 03:45:10, Place overall: 392, Place in age division: 11
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Official time: 3:45:10.27. Split time for the first half 1:53. Split time for the second half 1:52:10.

So for this race report I will first talk a little about Friday. I arrived at the expo at about 3:00, but wasn't expecting Marion, whom I was meeting there, until about 4:30. So I got my packet and perused the booths (and got an ice cream cone), but otherwise just sat around in an area they had set up for the speaker, so as to avoid wearing out my legs with excessive walking around the expo. During this time I ended up visiting with the race announcer. He asked about me so I told him my age and that it was my first marathon. He asked if I had a time in mind and I just smiled, so then he guessed that I was trying to go sub 4:00.

At 4:00 I listened to a talk by Dane Rauschenberg about the marathon course. After that I waited a while more and then Marion, who had gotten stuck in traffic, got there. We got her packet and went through the expo. I bought a pair of gloves for $1, which was fabulous because I hadn't brought gloves and was wishing I had a pair that I could wear at the start and then discard when it got warmer. I also met Kelli at the expo.

A little later, Marion and I went to dinner with Lori and her husband and another couple who are friends of Lori's. Then we went back to Lori's house and visited for a while, and then went to bed a little bit later than we should have.

 I slept fitfully, waking up several times during the night. When my alarm finally went off at 4:15 I got up and said out loud to myself, "This is it." We all got dressed and tried to eat something, then Lori's sweet husband drove us to the start so that we wouldn't have to ride the bus. We were also picking up another runner that Lori knows and giving him a ride to the start. It was a little tense for a little while because we got a little bit later start than we had intended and then we had trouble finding this other runner's house. But we finally found it and made it to the start in time. Lori's husband dropped of Lori, this other runner, and myself at the marathon start and then took Marion to the half-marathon start. It was cold at the start, but not too bad. I kept my ratty old hoody on instead of putting it in my drop bag, but then took it off just before the start of the race because I thought it would be hard to take it off while running. I tied it around my waist and ditched it after 2 miles. I suppose I could have ditched it sooner, but oh well. They had pace flags to help you line up in the right place, and so I lined up about half-way between the 8:00 and 9:00 flags. That worked out well because most of the people around me at the start were going about the pace that I wanted to go.

Now I will give you a break down of the miles with comments where I have them. These are Garmin miles, not mile-marker miles because I had auto-lap set on my Garmin. I probably should have turned it off and just hit the lap button whenever I got to a mile marker, but oh well.

1 - 8:48
2 - 8:39
3 - 8:23 - Warm-up over. Time to pick up the pace just a little bit.
4 - 8:20 - I think it was around here (or maybe it was a little later) that I came upon a woman who asked me what pace we were going because I was wearing a Garmin and she wasn't. We were going about 8:20 and she said that was the pace she wanted and it was about the pace I wanted, so I ran with her for 2 or 3 miles. There was also a guy she had met at the start of the race who was running with her and was kind of pacing her. He had just run Boston, so he wasn't really racing this race. It was nice visiting with her, but after a few miles we came upon a very mild incline and her pace started dropping off, and so I left them.
5 - 8:15
6 - 8:21
7 - 8:26
8 - 8:29
9 - 8:37
10 - 8:26
11 - 9:51 - I had a port-a-potty break during this mile and that's why it was so slow. When I came out of the port-a-potty I saw the two runners that I had run with before up a little ways, and so I ran a little faster and caught up with them. But they were going too slow for me so I left them and did not see them again the rest of the race.
12 - 8:25 - I met Rad who was struggling with her IT band. She asked me my blog name as I passed her because I was wearing my FRB singlet, so I ran with her for a little bit and we talked.
13 - 8:30
14 - 8:40 - The start of the only significant hill.
15 - 8:38 - I got an encouraging text message from my husband at the start of this mile and I responded with the number 15.
16 - 8:38
17 - 8:42 - I've been wondering when the promised downhill would start and then I remembered that it was after the dam. Oh good, I could see the dam up ahead.
18 - 8:24
19 - 8:38
20 - 8:31
21 - 8:32
22 - 8:24 - At the start of this mile I sent my husband another text message that said 22.
23 - 8:08 - Hmm, got going a little faster here, I guess.
24 - 8:42 - As of the start of this mile everything was further than I had ever run before since my longest training run was 23 miles.
25 - 8:15 - I decided to try to pick up the pace the last 2.2 miles. It was hard but I knew I was within reach of my BQ time but it was going to be close so I figured I would push it in order to avoid blowing it by just a little bit. At this point I thought about all the people who were pulling for me (thank you all) but, no offense intended, I decided that I was doing it for me. It was hard at that point, but I figured that this was what I was training for and there was no point in saving myself for anything.
26 - 8:16
0.2 (but my Garmin says 0.39) - at 7:53 pace. - I could see the finish line and people were saying things like "4 more lights to go" or "3 more lights to go." I was wondering whether their count included the current light (because they were stationed at lights) or not. But mostly I was just trying to get to the finish. I was really digging deep by this point.

 The announcer that I had met the day before was standing on the finish line with a microphone making comments. As I went over the finish line I pointed to him and said, "See, I told you I could do it." So then just after I got over the finish line he came over to me and said, "Talk to me." I told him my name and reminded him that we had talked the day before. And then he said into the microphone that it was my first marathon and I had qualified for Boston. At least that's what I think I heard him say.

So I got through the finish shoot and did not see Marion standing right there nor did she see me. So I went over and got some water and food and ran into Sasha. I talked to him a bit and then asked him if he knew where Marion was. He pointed her out for me. At this point my calves were seizing up, so Marion had me lie face-down on the grass and she massaged by calves. Thank you, Marion!!!!! It really helped.

A little later Lori finished. We hung out for a while and talked with Kelli and Kellies and then went back to Lori's house, where Lori's husband made us eggs, hash browns and toast. A little later, Rad and her husband and darling children came over to Lori's and we had strawberries dipped in chocolate, watermelon, cookies, and root beer floats. Yum.

A huge thanks to Lori and her husband who were wonderful hosts and do so much to make this a great race for me. I really appreciate the company, the place to stay, the ride to the start, and the great food and service after the race. It was great having Marion stay there as well and so much more fun going to the race with Lori and Marion than it would have been to just go by myself, run the race, and then leave by myself, which is what I would have had to do without them. A million thank yous to Lori and Marion!!!!

And thank you to everyone who has encouraged and supported me in this endeavor. Now I've got to figure out what to do next. Rest for a while, I guess. I'll keep running over the summer, but I might cut back a little and work on some other things.

Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 26.20
Night Sleep Time: 6.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 6.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Saucony Omni 7 Miles: 7.50Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 45.20
Night Sleep Time: 34.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 34.00
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