60 min's on the elliptical. I tried to get on the treadmill. After just over 2 mins of limping and pain I gave up and got on the elliptical instead. It hurt too and this turned into a battle of attrition just to make it through the hour. Hip just hurts like crazy. Super bummer. Gotta get something going before the weekend and for sure before next weekend. It's like anything that can go worng will go wrong lately.
6 miles on the traedmill this afternoon. After being so jacked up this morning I decided to hit my hip with a little electric stimulation theroapy. It's not the best device (just a cheapo my mother-in-law got while in China). But it does kind of shock the area good and if nothing else provides the placebo effect. I used it a bunch before STG marathon and seemed to help then. So after a treatment session and some housework, kids and other. I got on the treadmill for another go around. I was determined to work through the pain so I started very slow and worked up even slower. In the end it felt pretty good and I was able to get a run in. I swear this thing is like a pinched nerve or something with it's Jekyll and Hyde BS.