40 min's on the elliptical this morning. Legs seem to be feeling pretty good. That left knee still has the same ache but not as sharp as yesterday. Think I'll pass on real running today as well. 40.7 mile ride on the bike. I'm calling it my horse and naming him LeRoy. So old LeRoy and I went out this afternoon on the airport/ sunriver loop then extended around the fields instead of coming home on River Road. The wind was gusty but my legs were on fire tonight. Just pounded the ride. Had a 22.2 mph avg through 31 until I had to start really dealing with traffic. Still ended at 21.84 and bested my previous fastest ride ever of 21.79 mph avg. With the wind tonight that was pretty solid. And I felt good. Maybe I should do a 34 mile run a few days before IM to "light up the darkness" in these old legs and get LeRoy really rollin?