Our group's plan was to run up 114th So. to 13th East, then from 13th east to 11000 So., back down, past Alta High, back up to 13th East, then back down. From 1000 E. to 1300 E. is a nice hill. My times were 16:53, 15:20 and 14:52. We ran this on July 23rd, and my times that time were 17:00, 15:35 and 14:38, so I was faster on the first two, but not the last one. I think I could have been a little faster today on all 3 runs if it hadn't been so dark. I ran on the sidewalks a lot and was afraid of hitting an indentation or something and falling, so I held back a little. The best part is I felt great at the end, felt like I could have done it again (if really coerced), I did not feel wasted like I think I felt the last time. Fun run.
PM--Because I missed the early mileage this morning, I felt like I needed to do a little more. So I ran 4 miles on the treadmill, then went to the Rec Center and did 30 minutes of pool running, which I will count for 2 miles. |