32.6 miles on the bike with MR. Pace was slower than yesterday, but it was for 2 hrs 22 minutes total riding time. My avg pace was around 14 mph. We explored new roads and found out where some roads went that we'd passed by before. Rode by a farm stand selling peaches, and I almost stopped to get one to eat. I wish I would have; I'll be those peaches were delicious! We saw a giant moth at the ghetto gas station we stopped to get water at (yes, those are bars on the windows). We found a treasure as well, but it was the kind of treasure you leave behind and just take photos of for proof. I shall call her Soysan, after the soy bean field we found her in....too bad it wasn't a cabbage field! There was a can of yellow paint next to her, and an old oriental looking rug. I'm sure there's a good story there. Any ideas?