Today Eric and I were talking about shoes and he mentioned a blog post Jun had written about Altras and he said, "It's too bad the FRB doesn't have a search function where you could search blogs and not just the forums. And then you could have searched for something like incontinence and seen which runners had dealt with that." (It turns out the FRB does have a search box (right on the front page!), but we hadn't noticed this before.) I said, "Yeah, but you can do it through Google." So I searched for Altra ( in Google) and found like 100,000 entries because of the shoe manager. Then I searched for incontinence and only found a few entries, but my blog wasn't one of them because I think I always called it the "pee problem." So I decided that when I FRBed tonight I'd put something in about incontinence so that if anyone were ever searching for blogs that mentioned incontinence they'd find this post where I talked about incontinence. I also wanted to mention incontinence again because it seems like something that's actually pretty common (at least stress incontinence after childbirth and/or as women get older) but that people don't talk openly about. It also seems like sometimes people think that it's just something that happens and is something people have to deal with. Maybe I'm naive and stuff because I've only had one kid and I'm only in my 30s, but I think that people should see incontinence as something that isn't embarrassing, isn't someone's fault (kegels aren't always enough), and that can and should be fixed (and not with diapers). There's enough that women and post-birthers have to put up with. Incontinence shouldn't be one of those things. And on the shoes - the NB Minimuses are out (I want more cush), so I'm still debating between Altras and Launches. I really like how the Altras feel, but I had really good times with two pairs of Launches (and I'm more forefoot than midfoot so the heel on the Launches doesn't get in my way). Also, I kind of don't want to get Altras in the same way that Eric doesn't want to buy Apple products, and the different names for the road shoes kind of bug me (to me instinct=urge and drive and intuition=sensitive and hanging back, and when I'm running I think of myself as a predator out to pick off the slower, weaker prey (Eric says I like to have a carrot)). But I think there needs to be a girl AltraManiac and if there were auditions I'd want to audition and it would be weird if I were wearing Launches.