After my class (guest speaker! Didn't have to prepare a lecture!) I did the 3 mile loop around campus in the beautiful sunshine. Maybe sometime my legs will be tan. Right now the whiteness highlights the cellulite. I saw a lean runner girl on the track and committed myself to eating better. A mile later the smell of burgers at the creamery reminded me that I had only eaten a few graham crackers all day. And a half mile after that I ran past some Girl Scouts selling cookies, and I committed myself to buying some. I got the peanut butter ones, the lemon ones, and the Samoas (they're still called Samoas?). I like thin mints, but really to me they're just like the grasshopper cookies that are available all year. After I got home I went to the gym for 4.38 more miles. Then I came home and had bacon and a green smoothie (new blender!). |