AM - 8 easy miles on the Columbia. Met some guy on the trail who was running about my pace, which threw me cause he had grey hair and the level of competition among grey-haired men in this area is relatively low. Anyway, turns out he's from the Bay Area and is a structural engineer in town to tear down a building.
Which made me think, how'd I miss the boat on this job? This is every kid's dream, to travel around the US blowing things up. As a kid you pretty much know policeman and firefighter are the only two options, maybe doctor and scientist as you get a little older. They really need to introduce this as an option earlier in life. I'm pretty sure I'd be qualified on childhood experience alone.
Anyway, on the way back I stopped by one of the restrooms (they stay open all winter... and they're heated... talk about a hobo paradise, eh?) and it was like a scene out of horror film. There were spiders everywhere, covering every inch of everything... I've never seen anything like it. They were on the toilet seat, in the corners, inside the bowl, hanging from the ceiling, doing trapeze acts from corner to corner... Black widows, large fuzzy brown ones... everything you can think of. Talk about a tense atmosphere. But I'm happy to report the purpose of the stop was a success. That's one situation I now know my bowels can handle.
PM - Easy 7. Met with Anthony and Austin. They were supposed to do 12x400m intervals earlier but instead ran 4 or 5 at 5:40. I'm going to stop showing up on days they're supposed to do track workouts, tempo runs at 5:40 are only going to get them so far. I never thought I'd be this kind of a bad influence. |