Okay... so my plan was to swim Monday, Wednesday, Friday this week... and would you have it that I got stung my a bee (between my toes of all places) in my bathroom while getting my swimming suite. I'm (of course) allergic to bees (joy of joys), and had to take benedryl to slow down the reaction. I took it, sat on the couch, and next thing I know it's Thursday morning. Oh Joy! So... that's my excuse for Wednesday. Thursday Melanie and I were both cranky and had a hard time. Then we built a fort in the living room, and played for a few hours (in much better moods). By time I put her to bed, it was also time to put me to bed.
So... I was determined to get my swimming in today. It was 101 degrees out... the pool was hot (like bath water). Good Grief! But we had fun! |