Like the canyon

Week starting Apr 03, 2011

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Member Since:

Nov 21, 2009



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Running Accomplishments:

Finished my first 100 miler in '10, the Bear 100 in 26:05. 

55K 5:13

50 mile 7:47

Big Horn 100 Mile 24:54

 Squaw Peak 50:

2009: 13:48 (140th OA)

2010: 11:06 (26th OA)

2011: 10:01 (7th OA)


Short-Term Running Goals:

2012 schedule:

Red Hot 50K+  (5:23)

Buffalo Run 50 mile (7:47, 1st AG, 7th OA)


Squaw Peak 50 mile (11:40)

Big Horn 100 Mile (DNS)


Bear 100

Chimera 100

Zion Travers (Done)

Long-Term Running Goals:

God created skis and surfboards to keep the truly gifted from ruling the world.

I've finally let go of my preconceived notions of what it's supposed to feel like to run. - Geoff Roes


"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree; I'd spend six of them sharpening the axe." Abe Lincoln




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Been absent for a while.  Alot going on so I figured I better write some of it down so that I can refer back when I get through all the weirdness.  It's a week worth of catch up,'s a bit.

Friday 4/1 - Got out for a nice easy little 8 miles or so on the BST.  Still fighting the cold, but some improvement.  Still feeling good in the morning, slowly getting worse through the day.  Found a quick 10-15 min nap afer work seems to fuel me back up a bit.

Sat 4/2 - Indian Trail adventure.  Nice and clear to Warm Water Canyon then pretty western from there on through to Ogden Canyon.  Not really a trail, mostly traversing steep snow fields and avy paths.  Ran down the dirt road through the canyon, up North BST looped around and back across 12th to 27th street.  Stopped at the river to watch some boaters in the big wave by the bridge, freaking NUTS! Not for me at all!  Cold is still hanging on. Took it really easy, walked a good part of the climbsboth ways  from 12th on the BST, never done that before, but I have no energy!  Feels like breathing through a snorkel filled with snot! Sorry but it does.  11-12 miles.

Monday 4/4 - Still no energy.  Came home from work took the now standard nap, put on the shoes, drug myself up to the trail.  Didn't feel like doing anything, let alone running.  Started shuffeling up toward the BST, right away I noticed a difference, my energy was low, but I could breathe!! and my legs didn't feel like concrete like they have for almost 3 weeks.  Took right to the pond and around and up Taylor Canyon, planning on turing down at the 1st bridge.  I felt so good going uphill for the first time in weeks I kept going, thinking I'd u-turn at the 2nd bridge.  Next thing I know I headed up Malan's.  Ran solid all the way up!! felt great, was hacking a spiting snot every 10 seconds, but I could breathe!! Legs felt great, body great! finished up with a little loop on the BST and home. 7 miles, 2600 vert. 

Tuesday 4/5 - BST North from 27th, felt like hell all the way out to the nature trail parking lot.  Stiff, aches again, couldn't breathe again. The worst part was that both of my Achelles hurt!?! Got the the parking lot, sat on a rock for a bit, stretched, hacked, hacked some more and started back.  within a mile my lungs cleared up substantially and my energy was better, felt strong all the way back, other than my right Achelles was really sore.  Same one that gave me issues this winter.  Left hip/quad hurt and right hamstring was sore by the time I got back to the car.  Self analysis is that my stride was hitched trying ot favor my heel and started tweaking on other things.  Decided to take it easy for at least a week, maybe two or more to get this heel to calm down.  Usually responds well to some rest and treatment, hopefully will heal quick.

Wen-Thursady. ART on wednesday to loosen up the calves, helps with the Achelles. Cold gone!!! feel 100%.  Achelles is not.  No running, easy trail walks with the dog and the 2 yr old. 

Friday - A little cross training on the ski hill for some nice April powder.  Fun little 10 minute power hike to an open gate, passing lots of folks along to way.   Hoping to x-train on the bike a bit next week if the weather holds up.  Gotta get the old girl outa moth balls this weekend. 


Great morning skiing with some hiking.  Cross training is ski boots is perfect. Isolates my calf/achelles, so no pain, put can cruise up hill. 

Afternoon, hour hike in the blizzard with the dog.  Up Taylor canyon to the Malan's overlook for part of it.  Lots of broken trees from the snow overload.  Witnessed 4 break first hand.  Crazy loud crack, then piles of snow and tree come crashing down.  One pretty good limb broke right across the trail just in front of me. Freaked the dog pretty good, he Ran about 100 yards down the trail with his tail between his legs.  Trail is going to be a mess when this clears up. 


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