1st trip up BL for the year, ran into the go fasties BJ and Jon on their way down, talked for a bit. Went by lots and lots of chatty hikers. I got out too late for the annual 4th of July crowd. Remkes signed the book saying they beat the sun! Too early for me! Legs heavy today and my energy was very low, run felt really long. Diagnosis, grass allergies kick'en in hard and I started out about a quart low on fluid and it only got worse from there. Oh, and I gotta eat mo bettah. Beutiful day out overall and great to finally get to a real peak. ??time?? Garmin shorted on the way up, reset on the down and ran low 9:'s to high 7's. 15 miles or so, 3600ish vert. 7300 vert this "weak" and 38 miles or so.