Absolutely, stunningly beautiful run up Lewis Peak tonight. Had the whole mountain to myself. Late evening clouds made for some sweet summer alpenglow, wild flowers were thick and the colors vivid in the late sun. Ben Lomond might be a more popular, and better overall, run, but not, in my opinion, nealry as pretty as cruising the ridges on Lewis in the late evening. First time up this year and I ran the whole thing out and back, felt great, much better than it ever did last year, I took it easy and enjoyed every second of it. Watched the sunset from the high point before dropping down the switchbacks.
2 hours round trip. 11 mmiles or so, can't recall the vertical, but guessing 2800-3000?
Interesting side note: Pulled in the parking lot at 7:20 and not car or a soul anywhere. A minute later a mini van pulled up and a kid, guessing mid to late 20's got out and asked if I was headed for a run. I said yes and he asked which way, then said they were headed to Ben Lomond Peak, then Willard Peak then down to Perry (which is a small town just south of Brigham City on hwy 89! Leaving the trailhead at 7:30 PM on a Wednesday night for what had to be 19+ miles and 4000+ vertical feet of running. Pretty ambitious I think. |