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Week starting Jan 04, 2009

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Member Since:

Aug 30, 2007



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:


5K: 21:26 (2005)

4 mile: 28:10 (2005)

10K: 43:33 (2010)

10 mile: 1:13:35 (2009) (1:12:15 split in 1/2 marathon, 2011)

1/2 marathon: 1:34:31 (2011)

marathon: 3:19:15 (2013)

Short-Term Running Goals:


3:20 marathon - Eugene Marathon, April 28, 2013 (can I say I really want a sub 3:20? but I will be happy with 3:20-3:23) -- whoohoo!

Some good intermediate races 15K - 1/2 marathon, to gauge my fitness level (done this, hit a 1:34:35 1/2 marathon in March 2013, on a hilly course)

Going after my 10 mile PR in Fall 2013

Maybe some good 10K races after the infernal Arizona summer is over! 

Long-Term Running Goals:

I want to be one of those runners who is still running in their 80s (or 90s?).  You know the ones, who look all grisley and fit?  That is what I would like!  Until then, I just want to work hard and be as fast as I can, for as long as I can.


50 year old, trying to defy gravity and time

Used to be faculty at the University of Arizona (biostatistics).  Currently manager of the statistics and data management group for companion diagnostics (biomarkers) at Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. (Roche diagnostics).  We evaluate protein biomarkers that can be used to direct drug therapy that would be most effective based on individual characteristics (personalized medicine).

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1:59:13. Hilly run in the park -- 2 loops on the dirt road (1:00:02/59:11). Felt better than I had expected, my legs were still sore but not as bad as yesterday. It was about 50F and raining - my body wasn't cold (though I was soaked) but my hands were freezing. Near the end a car went past and this older gentleman and his wife asked if I "wanted out of the rain" -- I said no, but thank you -- but as they drove away I said (to myself), yes, I really do ;-)

Only three more workouts (one of them a pace run the week of the race) and two more fast finish long runs to go before the race. yippee. No real taper, but my mileage will drop a few miles (10-30 mins/week) in the next couple of weeks. I will be happy with anything under 1:39 in the race - but I think 1:37:xx is within reach on a good day (which may or may not get me in the top three of my age division -- it is a pretty competitive race). I am getting psyched!

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AM: (10 miles, 1:28:10).  Nice run on the river trail  (45:15/42:53).  Easiest 10 miles I have ever run -- I had to slow myself down on the way back (despite the fact that the last 2 miles are uphill!).

PM: (4+ miles, 38:31).  Ran slowly on the grass on "the mall" here at work.  I think that each lap is slightly longer than a mile and it is 1/2 mile to and from my office.  I am very sure that I am running longer than 4 miles on Saturday PM now ... since I always run that course in 40+ mins.  Good, I like having a little "cushion" in my mileage, I would rather err on the short side than the long!  That is why "the track is my friend" no cushion there ;-).

Happy Evening bloggers, stay warm.

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1:04:49 (32:57/31:51).  Let my body determine the pace today.  I was not sore, or really that tired, but I was feeling a little "dead leg syndrome".  

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AM: (10.5 miles, 1:23:34) 6 mile tempo run (7:33, 7:32, 7:28, 7:29, 7:26, 7:20) + 3 mile wu (26:29) 1.5 mile cd (12:14). Felt pretty good, actually I was only going to do 5 miles - but I felt so good (and they were slow enough) that I decided to do one more (schedule called for 5-7 @ 7:16-7:35 pace). Well, I had another reason too - it is a longish story, and my eyes are sort of tearing up thinking about it. I have been going to the track at Pima College for the past two months. I love the track and I love running on the trails as a warm-up and cool-down. Well, today as I was warming up (in the most remote part of the trail) I saw a dog/coyote run pretty quickly across the trail. I was keeping my eye out for him when another runner came up (running pretty fast) behind me. I thought he was going to run past me, and I said, "be careful there is a dog or coyote up ahead". He slowed down and I thought he was just being "careful". But then instead of passing me he just stayed right on my shoulder -- poor runner etiquette but still not too bad. I slowed (so he could pass) - he slowed - I sped up (not much though, I am just warming up). He then says "so you run a lot huh?" and I said yes, and you? He said, "no" - ok, it is getting a bit weird - and his shadow looked like he was doing something weird with his hand. Then I said, "well, you are doing well for someone who does not run", he said, "it would be better if I had the right kind of shorts". I said, "why don't you come up here next to me?" (he was wearing a hoody over his head and since it was a rocky trail I really couldn't run around to get a good look at him). Well, bloggers, he was wearing underwear (tight boxer type - longish) and was wrapping his sweat pants around his hand (I wondered, is he going to hit me with it wrapped around his hand or is he going to strangle me with his sweat pants?). Ok - now I am freaked out. I started running a little faster, but I still was not sure if I was being paranoid or what. Then, we turned a corner and there was a hiker up ahead. As soon as he saw the hiker, the guy turned and ran the other way. I went and did my workout (I am obsessed about these things and zoned to do the workout after all ... ) the whole time going back and forth in my mind about whether this guy was a freak, or if I was being paranoid. Regardless I knew I was not going to be able to do my cool down on the trail ... which was part of the reason I just decided to do an extra mile of tempo. After I was done with my workout I saw another woman on the trail, and decided I would rather be paranoid (and possibly sic the cops on an innocent man) than risk someone getting hurt ... and I called the College police. I am sad, because now my favorite spots to run (the trails) are sullied, and I am scared for what could have happened (to me or someone else). BUT, I did have a good workout, I am nothing if not focused.

PM (4 miles easy, 37:05). Ok a sort of "not good day". Busy, lots of meetings and I had skin biopsies taken this afternoon -- went for this run right right after the appointment and by the end of the run the lidocaine had worn-off, one of the areas hurt like heck and was bleeding through the dressing. I know that Deena Kastor (she has had lot's of these done as she is prone to skin cancer) wouldn't have skipped the run ... so I didn't either ;-). Tough or stupid? or both?

I am glad that our fellow blogger Snoqualmie (and all the other eastern washington bloggers) are ok.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

1:11:55 (36:59/34:56).  Felt really good today (except for the darn bandaid that is rubbing on my tummy from yesterday).  Rushing to a meeting!

Happy Friday bloggers.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM:(8 miles, 1:12:21).  Out and back (36:17/36:03).  I ran a little longer before I turned around today -- I am actually finding myself running faster to landmarks this week and I have to concentrate on slowing down a little (now is not the time to go faster on my easy days).  It might be that I am in better shape, but it is probably just because workouts and mileage are easing up a bit ... good news for the race but I still have two weeks to get there!!

PM: (4+ miles).  Usual route I hope!

 Hope all is well bloggers!

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