AM: (8.5, 1:10:43). 34:24 wu 6 x ~250m hill repeats 22:42 cd. Did a much harder workout than when I did this two weeks ago. I ran the first 3 in about 1:03 average (one was actually 1:05, but it was because I stumbled in the sand at the beginning of the ascent) I then dropped it to 1:01, :59, :58. I was concentrating on my form and driving through to the very top of the hill (the last one was very very hard - not cardiovascularly but muscularly). Pretty happy. PM: (at least 4 miles). My talk went really well yesterday, I was surprised, especially since I barely had time to practice it this week before I gave it ... I wish my lecture had gone as well. The students (and I) are having a tough time with the current material. |