1:12:57 (probably a little longer than 8). Ran to Liberty Park and did 3 laps on the outside of the park in the grass. Yesterday I woke up and my knee hurt -- it actually got better after I walked around and rolled on my foam roller and a tennis ball. I did not feel it at all on my run (well a tiny bit on the corners of the track, but really not bad). Well, as the day progressed yesterday it got worse and worse, especially when I would get up from sitting. I did some stretching last night and am pretty sure it is a "tracking" problem of my patella caused by really tight adductors. I have had adductor problems in the past - and I could really feel them when I did some isolated stretching last night. My "test" to see if I could forgo stretching in lieu of the foam roller has failed! So, now I will stretch and use a foam roller. I am actually on my way to get some ART treatment today - even though after a night of stretching, icing and NSAIDS my knee feels better today. It is not a good time in training to get injured (if it ever is!). The sunshine is nice today! enjoy your day bloggers. |