A naughty 60 mins of ellipticalling. So, weirdest thing. Last night, in the middle of the night, I woke up with the most horrific back (flank) pain. I thought, "I have run 85 mpw and have never hurt like this before, but I hurt my back from CLEANING house????". So I roll every which way in bed trying to get rid of the never-ending pain. I got up, walked around, laid back down, ...., just waves and waves of pain. So then I lay there hyperventilating and thinking, "Oh my, I might have to go to the ER, this might be some sort of kidney pain and it just won't let up". Dean woke up and asked me if I was ok, and I told him what was going on and then when he asked if we needed to go to the ER, I said, "I don't think so" ... After about 1/2 hour more it sort of abated -- I could still feel it, but the waves were getting a little less nauseating. I can feel it this morning, and still can't tell if it is muscular or deeper. I can definitely feel something when I take a deep breath, but I don't have a fever or any other pain, so I am right now, assuming (hoping) it is just something going on with my back. The only other thing it could be, without any other signs of infection/inflammation, would be a kidney stone ... and so far, I have not passed one. I am dragging today because of lack of sleep, and pain, so I can't tell if I feel sick or just drained. I didn't feel particularly "good" on the elliptical, but when does one anyway? Anyway ... it was weird, and it kind of pissed me off. Back to work. I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday!!