AM (43:25, 5 miles). Liberty Park. I am pre-blogging my PM run because we are on our way out the door and I will doing my next run in Loveland CO. We are stopping in Loveland on our way to Denver so we can do our long run tomorrow around Boyle Lake ... the Cherry Creek trail through downtown Denver is ok ... but we will have many days to run it! Next weekend we will running in the Colorado National Monument Park! PM (3.5 miles, 30:12). Well, we got a rocky start ... we left town late and then got a very scary flat tire outside of Rock Springs -- there was not much shoulder to change the tire, and, of course, we had to unpack all the camping stuff in order to get to the spare tire!! Upshot was it was obvious we weren't going to make it to Loveland in time for me to run there - so I asked Dean to pull off the freeway at around 6:30 (outside of Rawlings) we found a dirt road that was used to either get to the cattle that were grazing on BLM land or to access the gas pipeline ... I changed clothes in the car and then went for a run - 16 mins out and 14 mins and change back! The out part was uphill into a very very stiff headwind. Funny, I told Dean I was going to tell you guys about how he waited until he saw a sign that said "strong winds possible, next 5 miles" then he pulls over!! It felt pretty hard core to do this, by the way ;-).
 Have a good week bloggers ... I may or not be blogging every day, things will be busy at the conference, but I will be running and wishing you all happy days!