Michelle said I should blog even though I am not running, so I thought I would do some free-association ;-) ... not really, I will leave that to Nevels blog. I might do a 20` jog tomorrow, but it really depends on how I feel. I am very sore. My quad that was screaming during the race is now simply knotted up. I can actually walk much better today on the flats, but stairs are still a bit of a challenge. Wow. I am feeling a little better about the race now. And I have to say I am pretty surprised how even my half-marathon splits were - it was not by design - it just happened that way (1:44:55/1:45:33). I am very grateful for all of you bloggers, have I told you that lately? By the way. The winner of the men's race on Sunday ran an Olympic qualifier (2:18 and some change). He runs for Strands - from what I can gather Strands is a social networking website/company. They were out in full force at the expo (and did some sort of tracking for the marathon) - all pretty fast looking people, not bad marketing for a marathon. The other thing that was interesting was that we ran into some running friends of Dean's from Seattle, two women who used to run with him when they had the Monday night runs. They opened a womens running clothes company (www.oisellerunning.com) - pretty cool stuff - the best of which I bought - a new t-shirt with a track on the front (too bad it only has 4 lanes). Hope everyone is good, I am going to nurse my wounds some more.