1:05:41. Beautiful day. A little windy (15 mph) -- but it will be much worse later in the day (another "red flag" day with 40-45 mph winds expected - called red flag because if there is a fire we are in big trouble with the winds being this high). Still swamped at work. My job is almost always stressful but because of the "stimulus package" things are actually really overwhelming these days. Extra money at NIH means many more grants. April 27th is the deadline for some special grants that are available and the U of Arizona could be submitting over 200 grants on this day; I am writing the methods and analysis sections for 8 grants right now, and every day I get emails requesting help on more. I have heard from my friends from all over the country that their institutions are submitting the same approximate numbers! ... fun times. Have a good day bloggers!