"cruise interval workout" (pace: 5 mile to 10K race pace) 8 x 1000 w/200 recovery 4:33 (7:16), 4:39 (7:27), 4:33 (7:16), 4:32 (7:15), 4:34 (7:16), 4:33 (7:16) , 4:30 (7:12), 4:29 (7:12). Time in parentheses are approximate mile times. The 4:39 was in part due to the fact I had to dodge a couple of women who decided that walking side-by-side in lane 1 would be a good idea ... I actually had to pass them twice far out in lane 2 almost in lane 3. I have mixed feelings about this workout. My sea-level pace should have been 4:25 - 4:31, my goal was to shoot for about 4:35 for the first few and then see what I could do. They were much harder than I had anticipated. Compared to last September (the last time I had done this workout) they were a little slower at first (by about 2-3 seconds) and about the same for the last 2 - the main difference from September was I only did 6 then and 8 today. My schedule called for 6 - 8; I had told myself that I needed to do 7, and then threw the last one in because of my split on the 7th -- it is scary how I can mess with my own head like that ;-). I guess it was an improvement of sorts, but not like I had hoped based on other workouts of late. I thought I had adjusted to the altitude by now and could pretty much run my sea-level paces by now ... maybe it doesn't work that way. One thing is for sure, being back at the track took some getting used to! Happy mid-week bloggers - stay dry and warm today!