Warmed up and then did the gully for time, I still haven't started eating wheat again so I still sucked with 43:18. It was a nice day, probably would've been under 40:00 if I was healthy. Also found out I might have had a sinus infection for at least half my life. When I had a concussion in 5th grade, the MRI showed I had a sinus infection, and it was still there when I had an MRI for another concussion the summer before 9th grade. And apparently its probably still there, I didn't hear about this until today, but apparently when they saw it back then they didn't do anything about it because they were more concerned about my brain. So I guess this means ANOTHER doctors appointment. I'm really sick of going to the doctor. So who knows how long I've had this thing and I'm going to check if I still have it, my dad says if I get it taken care of I might stop having asthmatic problems so I guess its worth checking out. I really really hope February is the last month I have any more doctors appointments for a long time! |