Golden West 5K
Needed to do a 5k today beacuse on the schedule for my workouts I had 2X5K to do. So I figured I would race one then jog for about a mile then do another. Well I got the one 5k in and with time and a test that I had to take at the school I did the other one as soon as I got home
So time on 5k says 15:09 and I had no Garmin and was just going to race off of mile markers but in the race they had no mile markers so that didnt work, and told by Bob Lambert who drove the course said it was like 3 miles which would make sense because on this hilly course there is no way 15:09 was doable for me. I most likely would be around 15:30 to 15:40.
Any race was only competitive for the 1st mile. I had some highschool kid was running with me and around .25 he looks at me and had a brief convo and this is how it went
Kid- You are for real, huh?
Me- what?
Kid- You go to college?
Me- yep, Weber State
Kid- Are you a pretty good runner?
Me- Well, you are about to find out, arent ya.
From there on I didnt see that kid again. Pretty fun beating up on the youngins'
Any way dont know my splits I would imagine if my time was 15:09 and it was 3 miles then by easy math it would be 5:03 min/miles
Cooled for 3 miles then left to take a test.
Got home and headed out for the 2nd 5K of the day.
warmed for 3.25 miles
5K splits were 5:01; 5:04; 5:03. and 29 seconds for the last .10. Time was 15:36
jogged one mile home