Hurt so good.

January 11, 2025

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North Ogden,UT,U.S.

Member Since:

May 23, 2010



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

5K- 14:58, 10K- 31:05, 1/2- 1:06:47 Marathon- 2:23:29

3rd- Park City Marathon 2008

3rd and 4th Ogden Marathon 2010; 12'

5th, 3rd, and 7th- Utah Valley Marathon 2011;14'; 16'

9th, 3rd,11th, 8th, 5th, 8th St. George Marathon 2010, 11',13',14',15'16'

2nd- Deseret News Marathon 2015

1st- SandHollow Marathon- 2016 (CR***)


Short-Term Running Goals:



Long-Term Running Goals:

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.

                                                                          -Helen Keller




Married to Nikki we have 4 children. Jaerdan, Korver, Grady and Lyla McKell

Head XC/Track Coach at Weber High

Graduated from Weber State with a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Athletic Therapy.




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Haven't updated my blog for awhile so I think its about time to get caught back up into the swing of things a little bit. I haven't been on the blog because I took myself completely away from anything that had to do with running. It was literally killing me to read blogs and successes that everyone was having and I am stuck not doing a dang thing. I just needed time to myself to reflect on what was around around me and to figure things out with the help of family and the help of my savior.  So anyway a lot has happened since the middle of February which I think is the last time that I posted. So here it all is with out getting into much detail.

I was having major ITB syndrome and for me it was just getting worse and worse, I had talk to Matt Poulsen about another cortizone injection to see if that would help the pain a little bit so I could go through treatments with Dr. Rawlin of Syracuse. So that was the plan and I had it scheduled, well soon after I got off the phone with Matt I attempted to run because the Leg or IT band felt somewhat loose. Man was  I wrong about 200 meters into the run I was in more pain then I have ever been. So I immediately got on the phone with Dr. Howard Richter and scheduled an ITB release.

I was a little worried because I knew it was a quick decision and I wanted to see results quicker then later. I mean it has been almost 4 months since the injury and I felt I was going backwards daily. So for me I decided that I need to do what was best for me and only me at that time. So  February 19th, I had the procedure done. Surgery lasted 23 minutes, fast!! Talked to the Dr. after surgery to ask how it went and he said it was a smart decision to get the surgery done. He found that there was major thickening of the ITB and my lateral epicondyle on femur was sticking way to far out. He said that was the biggest bone he has seen. So basically the injury never was going to go away, I could have fought this forever basically with the same result, explains why things weren't getting better. So anyway he shaved about a 1/4 of my bone down and cleaned up the scare tissue and did the release of the ITB. But anyway, ended up there for more than 8 hours after surgery because I couldn't get my oxygen levels back up. I was stat at 88 and was in and out of conciousness due to the meds. So that was probably the worst part, actually throwing up in the car on the way home and again when I got home was the worst part. My body just didnt respond well to the pain meds. But anyway I was in a straight leg brace for a week and was put into a smaller brace which I am currently supposed to wear daily but that isn't happening.

Since I have been out of the straight leg I have been doing my own physical therapy since that is what my degree will relate to in 2 semesters, yeah! and results have been incredibly well. I have full range of motion back, and hit the gym on the bike today for 20 minutes. A little inflammation but not to bad, Dr. says that I can run again in 9 days but who is counting right?

So that is basically it in a nut shell, road to recovery is on its way. So everybody thanks for the advice and the words of encouragement. I am excited to get things rolling again. I hope this time off helped my body recover nicely and looking forward to dropping weight and also a great Fall racing season and attacking that sub 2:25 marathon in STG! 

Weight: 171.00
From Fritz on Fri, Mar 08, 2013 at 22:24:06 from

Progress! Great to hear that the worst is behind you and that you will be back running soon. It sounds like you made a good decision with the surgery rather than staying injured and frustrated for who know how long.

From scottkeate on Sat, Mar 09, 2013 at 14:22:57 from

Good to hear you you're feeling good about the direction. Sounds like you could've been fighting that darn ITB forever. Way to trust yourself and do what you felt was best. I'm looking forward to a rejuvenated, hungry Ben in a few months of steady, patient training :-)

From Ben VanBeekum on Sat, Mar 09, 2013 at 15:23:17 from

Thanks Fritz and Scott this whole ordeal has been crazy in itself. Really I am just so excited to train again and just get out on the roads and get my daily ZEN!

From JPark on Sat, Mar 09, 2013 at 17:31:00 from

Good update Ben. Great to see that things are progressing and that you feel good about your decision to have the surgery. Be careful as you work back into things, but channel this experience to re-invigorate you and give you the motivation to reach new heights. You'll be throwing down that sub-2:25 in know time.

From jtshad on Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 14:26:21 from

Hope the recovery continues to go well. looking forward to seeing you back on the roads. Keep being smart and you will find your mojo.

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