| Location: Pittsfield,MA, Member Since: Jul 02, 2008 Gender: Male Goal Type: Boston Qualifier Running Accomplishments:
- 2006 Mohawk Hudson River Marathon (NY)
- 2007 Vermont City Marathon (VT)
- 2011 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
- 2011 Mind the Ducks 12 Hour (NY)
- 2012 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #1 (IN)
- 2012 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #2 (IN)
- 2012 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
- 2012 Mind the Ducks 12 Hour (NY)
- 2012 Memorial Day Marathon (MA)
- 2012 Around the Lake 12 Hour (MA)
- 2012 Hancock Shaker Village 50 (MA)
- 2012 Bay State Marathon (MA)
- 2012 First Descents Marathon (DE)
- 2013 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #1 (IN)
- 2013 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #2 (IN)
- 2013 Circular Logic Marathon (IN)
- 2013 Lake Waramaug 50M (CT)
- 2013 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
- 2013 Ragnar Cape Cod Ultra Team (MA)
- 2013 Memorial Day Marathon (MA)
- 2013 Relay For Life No. Berkshire (MA)
- 2013 Ragnar Adirondack Ultra Team (MA)
- 2013 BayState Marathon (MA)
- 2013 One Day At the Fair Marathon (NJ)
- 2013 West Palm Beaches Marathon (FL)
- 2014 Arena Attack XL Center Marathon (CT)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #1 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #2 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #3 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #4 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #5 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #6 (IN)
- 2014 Circular Logic Marathon (IN)
Personal Bests:
- 400 - 1:01 (2004)
- 800 - 2:16 (2004)
- Mile - 5:12 (2004)
- 2Mile - 11:27 (2004)
- 5k - 19:44 (2005)
- 10k 40:46 (11/22/07)
- 15k - 1:07:40 (11/11/07)
- 13.11 Half - 1:38:31 (12/9/07)
- Marathon 3:59:18 (1/25/14)
- 50 miles 11:44 (5/14/11)
Eagle Scout with Bronze and Gold Palms (2002)
Biked from Ticonderoga, New York to Old Orchard Beach, Maine in August of 2005 (Total of about 290 miles Short-Term Running Goals: 200 miles @ 72 Hour Race in May
Under 200 #
Sub 4:00 Marathon
Long-Term Running Goals: QUALIFY AND RUN IN THE BOSTON MARATHON. Personal: I am 27. Have done 33 marathons and ultras. Really trying to get in shape to get back to running the miles I want to. I love to read and worked for four years in a bookstore. I like to keep track of the books I read. Currently I work as a 6th & 7th grade history teacher at the only charter school in Berkshire County, as well as serve as the coach for the cross country team! Been experimenting as a pescatarian (eating only fish) since August 10, 2011.
Just earned my Master's Degree in Adolescent Education for Social Studies. I have the most wonderful WIFE in the entire world.. EMMA! October 16, 2010
Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must. Just never give up! - Dean Karnazes -
We are all teachers and we are all students in this sport. - Dean Karnazes -
The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward at an accelerated rate can be one of life's greatest - and simplest - pleasures. ~Dean Karnazes
"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny." - MK Gandhi
"The marathon mercilessly rips off the outer layers of our defenses and leaves the raw human, vulnerable and naked. It is here you get an honest glimpse into the soul of an individual. Every insecurity and character flaw is open and on display for all the world to see. No communication is ever more real, no expression ever more honest. There is nothing left to hide behind. The marathon is the great equalizer. Ever movement, every word spoken and unspoken, is radiant truth. The veil has been obliterated. These are the profound moments of human interaction that I live for." - Dean Karnazes
Benn Griffin

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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 38.75 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Brooks Addictions 8 - #2 Miles: 9.35 | Brooks Addictions 8 - #3 Miles: 24.30 | Vibram Five Fingers KSO Miles: 5.10 |
Night Sleep Time: 15.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 15.00 | Weight: 8.00 | |
| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 5.10 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 8:20 PM - 80 degrees, humid. Last night that Harry is up. Going to miss my littles broski. He's been here since last Sunday. It's been a fun week! Emm and I ran while Harry went on my road bike on the trail. Got a few looks as we headed out considering it was getting after dusk when the trail closes. It's the only time we can fit it in though. It's been pretty hot. I ran up ahead and hit the 1 mile mark, turned back and ran into Emmy about .25 miles back, then we ran together to the 2.35 mi turn around by the duck pond. Stretched and ran back. Felt good. Last mile in complete darkness. Both Emm and I got bugs stuck in our eyes right after one another. Still managed a strong last mile. Felt great! Total Time: 44:08 Total Distance: 5.10 miles Average Pace: 8:39
Brooks Addictions 8 - #2 Miles: 5.10 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 4.12 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 8:30 PM - Went running at the bike path again. Hot, humid. Temperature 87 degrees at the start. This is not going to be a good week. Projected high tomorrow is 97, Wed. is 95, and Thurs 93. Yuck! Went running by myself. Emm was on the computer with her bridesmaids Kara and Missy looking at registry stuff. Exciting! Felt good. I saw a white tailed deer that was actually more startled then I was at mile 1. Then saw 2 "Warrens" (aka rabbits) and a family of ducks at mile 2. Mile 4 saw one more rabbit, though it was so dark I nearly tripped over him! Felt good except for lately I have been having indigestion while I run at night. I think it might be these organic fruit icepop things we have been eating. That's the only thing I can think of, or perhaps pepper on salads?
- Mile 1: 8:19
- Mile 2: 8:21
- Mile 3: 8:28
- Mile 4: 8:16
Total Time: 34:21 Total Distance: 4.12 miles Average Pace: 8:21 This morning my family came out and we saw the Pittsfield July 4th Parade. Saw one of my students and a few others I guess were there and expressed their utter outrage on Facebook that their history teacher Mr. Griffin was not in the 5k. I was watching it but it was already 88 out when the race started. Emm walked it with a few ladies from the spa where she works. The winner was David Raucci (a few of my buds from college used to run with him). He is one of the top runners in NY and has the 5k course record here at 14:40. He ran a 15:14 by himself with no competition. Not bad. The winning woman was Allison Krohl who came in 5th overall I think and ran a 16:50 resetting her own course record. 16:50 is not bad at all for a 5k is it? I wish I could break 20:00 again lol. After the parade we all barbecued at Emmy's house.
Brooks Addictions 8 - #3 Miles: 4.12 |
Night Sleep Time: 7.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 7.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 3.25 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3:45 PM - Yuck, yuck, yuck! Heat index of 105 degrees today. Dangerous! Saw one crazy runner outside in Nassau, NY while I drove to NY to return my old license plates. Temp in the valley was 99 degrees!!!! The house feels like it is on fire. Emmy works until 7ish I think but I'm hoping we can set up an air conditioner or something for us later today. Tomorrow is supposed to be 94 and Thursday 93. Really nasty! Ran 30:00 on the treadmill after taking a study break. I have a MA teacher licensure exam on Saturday. Total Time: 30:00 Total Distance: 3.25 miles Average Pace: 9:13
Brooks Addictions 8 - #3 Miles: 3.25 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
| Comments(2) |
| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 11.67 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
10:00 AM - Another record high today. Projected to be 95. Went to the basement and put a small fan on high in front of the treadmill and ran while the tour was on. Emm's treadmill is stuck at 2% incline and I have to hunch over slightly so I don't bang my head. Good times! Warmed up with a mile and then did 10 x 2 mins "on" @ 7:30 pace with 1 min "off" at 9:13 pace. Cooled down as I watched Pettachie win Stage 4. I was sorry to see that Frank Schleck is out. I hope Andy pulls through in the mountains. He's my favorite contender. Cooled down in the small pool on the deck for a couple minutes. Lunch time and more studying for the test on Saturday. Hopefully a run tonight with Emmazingful. Total Time: 1:00:00 Total Distance: 7.02 miles Average Pace: 8:33 8:00 PM - Still a scorcher. Emm got home early around 5 tonight so I got to see her a bit more than usual. We went running on the bike trail. It was 89 degrees at the start (GAG!). Absolutely disgusting. I took off my shirt halfway through only because it is uncomfortable for me to wear a wet cotton shirt. I need to invest in more technical shirts because I sweat that much! Also going to get some compression shorts because the last two weeks I have dealt with chafing in my nether regions which is severely discomforting especially when trying to walk around the next day. Total Time: 44:05 Total Distance: 4.65 miles Average Pace: 9:29
Brooks Addictions 8 - #3 Miles: 11.67 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 8.00 |
| Comments(2) |
| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 5.10 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 9:00 AM - Another hot one. Projected high of 92 and higher humidity then yesterday. Went running after Emm went to work on the treadmill in my Vibrams. 2% incline for 5.10 miles. Felt okay except the chafing in unmentionable places which I had to cover with bandaids to make the run bearable. Going to go to Dick's Sporting Goods in Pittsfield tonight to look for underarmour heatgear I think. Chafing is not pleasant. No sir, not at all!!! Total Time: 46:50 Total Distance: 5.10 miles Average Pace: 9:11
Vibram Five Fingers KSO Miles: 5.10 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 4.25 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
10:00 AM - Went running on the treadmill. Legs a little heavy this a.m. Ended up doing a bit over 4 miles. Felt good. Today I need to get to work doing all the things that need doing. Oii. Fun Fun. MTEL certification test tomorrow and then going home to take Harry to a Bon Jovi concert with Emm and then staying home I think for a day or two because my dad is going to have surgery. Total Time: 37:50 Total Distance: 4.25 miles Average Pace: 8:54
Brooks Addictions 8 - #2 Miles: 4.25 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 5.26 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 9:00 AM - Can't catch a break. Rain, rain and more RAIN! Woke up and it was absolutely downpouring. Emm went off to work early and I have been nervous because I have a certification test today at 1:00pm. I have to pass it in order to keep my job. It's a test on World and U.S. History from the dawn of civilization until 2010. Oii not too bad huh? I excel at essays so I am not worried about the open responses, however it seems unfair in that 100 multiple choice questions = 80% of your grade and the 2 essays = only 20%. I must get a 240 out of 300 total points in order to pass. I heard from someone they are similar to the NYS exams, though the practice exam I took was wicked hard!!! Chilling right now and going to have lunch soon. Watching the first serious mountain stage of the Tour de France. Felt really good this morning. Legs not as tired as yesterday. Going to run a trail 5k for fun on Monday with Emmy, maybe my brothers and one of my groomsmen Jonathan. Should be a good time. First mile today was 8:39, then settled in nicely to a good pace. Ran inside on the 'mill because it was thunder and lightning out there. last .5 miles I sped up to 7:45-8:00 pace. Good times! Hopefully test goes alright today then I can start planning for next year! I haven't been able to focus because of this stupid test anxiety! Total Time: 43:40 Total Distance: 5.25 miles Average Pace: 8:19
Brooks Addictions 8 - #3 Miles: 5.26 |
Night Sleep Time: 8.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 8.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
| Comments(1) |
| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 38.75 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Brooks Addictions 8 - #2 Miles: 9.35 | Brooks Addictions 8 - #3 Miles: 24.30 | Vibram Five Fingers KSO Miles: 5.10 |
Night Sleep Time: 15.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 15.00 | Weight: 8.00 | |
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