| Location: Pittsfield,MA, Member Since: Jul 02, 2008 Gender: Male Goal Type: Boston Qualifier Running Accomplishments:
- 2006 Mohawk Hudson River Marathon (NY)
- 2007 Vermont City Marathon (VT)
- 2011 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
- 2011 Mind the Ducks 12 Hour (NY)
- 2012 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #1 (IN)
- 2012 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #2 (IN)
- 2012 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
- 2012 Mind the Ducks 12 Hour (NY)
- 2012 Memorial Day Marathon (MA)
- 2012 Around the Lake 12 Hour (MA)
- 2012 Hancock Shaker Village 50 (MA)
- 2012 Bay State Marathon (MA)
- 2012 First Descents Marathon (DE)
- 2013 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #1 (IN)
- 2013 Maple Leaf Indoor Marathon #2 (IN)
- 2013 Circular Logic Marathon (IN)
- 2013 Lake Waramaug 50M (CT)
- 2013 BPAC 6 Hour Run (NY)
- 2013 Ragnar Cape Cod Ultra Team (MA)
- 2013 Memorial Day Marathon (MA)
- 2013 Relay For Life No. Berkshire (MA)
- 2013 Ragnar Adirondack Ultra Team (MA)
- 2013 BayState Marathon (MA)
- 2013 One Day At the Fair Marathon (NJ)
- 2013 West Palm Beaches Marathon (FL)
- 2014 Arena Attack XL Center Marathon (CT)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #1 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #2 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #3 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #4 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #5 (IN)
- 2014 Maple City 6-Pack Marathon #6 (IN)
- 2014 Circular Logic Marathon (IN)
Personal Bests:
- 400 - 1:01 (2004)
- 800 - 2:16 (2004)
- Mile - 5:12 (2004)
- 2Mile - 11:27 (2004)
- 5k - 19:44 (2005)
- 10k 40:46 (11/22/07)
- 15k - 1:07:40 (11/11/07)
- 13.11 Half - 1:38:31 (12/9/07)
- Marathon 3:59:18 (1/25/14)
- 50 miles 11:44 (5/14/11)
Eagle Scout with Bronze and Gold Palms (2002)
Biked from Ticonderoga, New York to Old Orchard Beach, Maine in August of 2005 (Total of about 290 miles Short-Term Running Goals: 200 miles @ 72 Hour Race in May
Under 200 #
Sub 4:00 Marathon
Long-Term Running Goals: QUALIFY AND RUN IN THE BOSTON MARATHON. Personal: I am 27. Have done 33 marathons and ultras. Really trying to get in shape to get back to running the miles I want to. I love to read and worked for four years in a bookstore. I like to keep track of the books I read. Currently I work as a 6th & 7th grade history teacher at the only charter school in Berkshire County, as well as serve as the coach for the cross country team! Been experimenting as a pescatarian (eating only fish) since August 10, 2011.
Just earned my Master's Degree in Adolescent Education for Social Studies. I have the most wonderful WIFE in the entire world.. EMMA! October 16, 2010
Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must. Just never give up! - Dean Karnazes -
We are all teachers and we are all students in this sport. - Dean Karnazes -
The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward at an accelerated rate can be one of life's greatest - and simplest - pleasures. ~Dean Karnazes
"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny." - MK Gandhi
"The marathon mercilessly rips off the outer layers of our defenses and leaves the raw human, vulnerable and naked. It is here you get an honest glimpse into the soul of an individual. Every insecurity and character flaw is open and on display for all the world to see. No communication is ever more real, no expression ever more honest. There is nothing left to hide behind. The marathon is the great equalizer. Ever movement, every word spoken and unspoken, is radiant truth. The veil has been obliterated. These are the profound moments of human interaction that I live for." - Dean Karnazes
Benn Griffin

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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 44.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Altra Lone Peak Miles: 3.50 | Altra Instinct (grey) Miles: 5.00 | Vibram Bikilas (red) Miles: 10.00 | Vibram Bikilas (blue) Miles: 11.00 | Vibram Bikilas (green) Miles: 24.50 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 214.00 | |
| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 8.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Round 2, Day #72: 8.5 miles, 3.5 miles of ice, slush, and snow as Emma and I slipped and clawed and slid our way up and over Monument Mountain in Lenox this morning, and then flew back down. Later on I did 5 miles in 41:24, good for 8:17/mile pace. Felt relaxed and ankle felt good. Some achilles tenderness after the "stomping" of my heels to keep from falling as I came down the mountain (check out the video I'm posting that shows a little of us running).
I can't or I won't.... One is a choice, the other is a challenge. Overcome it!
Borrowed from Ana's post: "The more a society drifts from a truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." - George Orwell
Altra Lone Peak Miles: 3.50 | Altra Instinct (grey) Miles: 5.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 6.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Round 2, Day #73: 6 miles in 48:56, relaxed for 8:10/mile average pace. Work is going to have to take a back seat this spring. I am just not going to let it interfere. I hate to do it because I hate giving anything less than my best, but it's just too much for too little return. Work needs to be a 1 and family and running a 10. There will always be more jobs, but only one life to live and love and run!
Do goats sweat? They must! Or at least their noses should. I sweat more than a goat.
"...I learned how past civilizations had often stumbled-- and eventually fallen-- because, among other failures of foresight, they evidently didn't understand that growing the same crop year after year without allowing the soil to regenerate would cause crop yields to shrivel. A beet crop could exhaust the soil in three years. A patch of Amazon rainforest cleared for grazing could turn to barren desert in five years. The idea that cycles of rest and regeneration are essential to ecological sustenance became a basic part of my perception of life and strongly influenced how I trained in my running." Ed Ayres, p.24
Vibram Bikilas (red) Miles: 6.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 6.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Round 2, Day #74: 6 miles in 46:53 (7:49 pace). Lost 5# today but not in the way I wanted to. Ugh. Feeling run down. Need to take multivitamins and get a decent amount of sleep tonight and recoup and recover. Chest tightness and pain today while running. Stress? I don't know.
Unpleasantries are hidden gifts that yield our best efforts to overcome.
“The most important thing is to preserve the world we live in. Unless people understand and learn about our world, habitats, and animals, they won't understand that if we don't protect those habitats, we'll eventually destroy ourselves.†- Jack Hanna
Vibram Bikilas (blue) Miles: 6.00 | Vibram Bikilas (green) Miles: 10.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 214.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 5.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Round 2, Day #75: 5 miles in 39:14, good for 7:51/mile. Relaxed and comfortable breathing through my nose. Scale says I put back on much of what I "lost" yesterday. Oh well. Getting close to taper time for next weekend's Indiana marathon. Can I PR? I think I can... I think I can!!
With footplants grows an intrinsic, driven runner; Nurtured into this!
"We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves. The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.' The human spirit is indomitable." - Sir Roger Bannister, first sub-4 minute miler
Vibram Bikilas (blue) Miles: 5.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 4.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Round 2, Day #76: 4 miles only in 32:40, 8:10/mile. Nice, easy relaxing run. A lot of stuff on my plate right now and it's appetizing. Got to remember not to take more than I can chew.
Tip toe through the stress, Let it melt away.. peaceful. Breathe. Relax. Zen time.
"I found them uncomfortable and after that I decided to continue running barefoot because I found it more comfortable. I felt more in touch with what was happening - I could actually feel the track." - Zola Budd
Vibram Bikilas (red) Miles: 4.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 4.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Round 2, Day #77: 4.5 miles on the bike path and golf course in Adams, MA (34:59, good for 7:46/mile) during a quick lunch break before professional development in the afternoon. Started on the bike path until it got to icy. Turned around and then did a quick 1.5 mile loop around the golf course. There were 3 x 50-60' of ice rink style parts I had to walk x 2 (out and back), but still averaged a good pace. Wore my NORWAY hat!
Hyped up squirrel bomb, Ninja rolls down the hillside. Twitterpated fuck!
“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.†― Andy Rooney
Vibram Bikilas (green) Miles: 4.50 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 10.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Round 2, Day #78: 10 miles in 1:21:24, good for 8:08/mile. Relaxed, breathed through nose the entire run. Weighed in at 214#. I am running more relaxed, stronger, and swifter than I ever imagined. This time next Saturday I will have finished marathon #16 and be on my way back to Indianapolis Int'l Airport, hopefully with a new PR. I can go sub-4:07. I know I can!
If Jesus ran he'd be mistook for a girl in his sandals and skirt.
"Tis impossible to judge with much Precision of the true Motives and Qualities of human Actions, or of the Propriety of Rules contrived to govern them, without considering with like Attention, all the Passions, Appetites, Affections in Nature from which they flow. An intimate Knowledge therefore of the intellectual and moral World is the sole foundation on which a stable structure of Knowledge can be erected." - John Adams to Jonathan Sewall, 1759
Vibram Bikilas (green) Miles: 10.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
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| Running Miles | Swimming Yards | Bike Miles | 44.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Altra Lone Peak Miles: 3.50 | Altra Instinct (grey) Miles: 5.00 | Vibram Bikilas (red) Miles: 10.00 | Vibram Bikilas (blue) Miles: 11.00 | Vibram Bikilas (green) Miles: 24.50 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 214.00 | |
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