AM - Pushups, 150 situps, 200 crunches, 4 x 15 reps of 12 lbs Really don't know about the achilles. Everyone seems to say that it takes a lot to actually "rupture" one, and I haven't done any running in 4 weeks and any serious running in more than 5. Maybe it's just going to take more time. I've done everything right I thought: rest, icing, stretching, compression, elevation.. but still seems to be bothered every day at work. Iced it in the car on the way home last night driving with cruise control on, and then again this m orning. The swelling from yesterday at work is gone, but it will probably come back with tomorrow 8 hours of being on my feet again. Ugh! [note: discoloration from the photo yesterday from the burning is gone pretty much as well] Frustration to the max. But today's high is projected to be 11, tonight's low -15 plus a windchill that might bring it to the near -30 range. Same for tomorrow, then it might warm to near 40 and rain on Monday. Sick of winter and the 20+ inches of snow we've had in the last day and a half! And yet I don't want spring to come yet because I still won't be able to run. Come on stupid recovery. Hurry up already! haha Re: Eccentric Loading for the Achilles : I've read conflicting reports that it is beneficial and also detrimental to try the Eccentric Loading technique. I'll try anything. I just want to get healthy! I read last night that the Finnish guy that developed/discovered this technique was actually trying to blow his achilles out because that's the only way they would do surgery on it if it was completely ruptured. But it seemed to help heal him. What should I do? Everyone said that rest would do the trick and that a heel lift would help, but am I just impatient? I've lost all my conditioning which is fine. I can build back, but I feel like I can't even jog a 10 minute mile without fear that pain will come back.