7:45 AM - Right now I'm torn between taking Friday and Saturday off, or continuing to log a couple slow miles each day. I had initially wanted to do the 6-6.5 miles that I did yesterday, but after only about a mile and a half I realized that my achilles is still not wanting me to. It's not that it hurts so much that you can almost feel the grinding/straining of it. I think it might be a smart decision to take Friday and Saturday off and go for a slow run on Sunday morning. That would give me nearly 72 hours of staying off my feet as much as possible outside of work and school. And if that is still not enough, then I really am out of ideas. I am just frustrated that this happened. My legs are aching to go for a run, but my achilles just won't have it. Mile 1: 8:55 Mile 2: 9:11 Mile 3: 9:39 Mile 4: 8:54 Total Time: 36:41 Total Miles: 4 Average Pace: 9:10/ mile *Asics 2120s: 79.11 Another thought I have is that perhaps I have increased the total amount of miles per run too fast? What with the whole week off when I went on vacation, I have logged 98.22 miles this month but I only have 12 total days of running including today's measly 4 miles. That would average out to 8.1+ miles / run. Just a thought. I am thinking that if I take off until Sunday, I will have to plan out a start from scratch plan, perhaps going back to running only 6 miles a day 6 days a week with no long runs. Which stinks because I really do like my 10+ mile runs :( After reading everyone's comments and suggestions, I think I need to continue to stretch and be careful about my leg. I kind of want to take time off, but I just don't know. Sunday's race is out of the question, but I think that by Sunday I would like to be back on the 6 miles a day for 6 days program. I guess I can run tomorrow morning light again just 4 or 5 miles at 9+ mile pace... and then take Saturday off and start in on the recovery runs starting Sunday.