7:45 AM - 11 degrees today. Woke up and the achilles was still sore. But as it seems this is going to be a problem I am going to have to deal with for weeks or months (oh I certainly hope not), I decided I needed to get out there to get in a run. My morning was made better since Emmy called me right before I was going outside, so that certainly made my morning. I found it hard to concentrate during the run since I was constantly monitoring my achilles. The pain would come in for a mile, then go away for a time, then come in again. It seemed it hurt more on the uphills. But maybe that's just me. Just wish I felt better. Hopefully I can continue to heal despite getting in daily runs. Did a lot of stretching afterwards. Mile 1: 8:38 Mile 2: 8:56 Mile 3: 8:55 Mile 4: 9:07 Mile 5: 8:54 Mile 6: 8:45 Total Time: 54:13 Total Mileage: 6.1 miles Average Pace: 8:53/ mile *Asics 2120s: 96.3 MY ACHILLES HURTS A LOT. THAT STORM IS SUPPOSED TO GET HERE TONIGHT TOO. I THINK I WANT TO TAKE THE REST OF THE WEEK OFF, LESS I RISK RUPTURING IT. Found this on a website... crap! I've been doing ALL THE WRONG THINGS! Exercises to Avoidhttp://www.drpribut.com/sports/spinjur.html#achilten
Excessive stretching is not good for your achilles tendon. The stretch that I most often recommend is the "wall stretch". I do not recommend the "stair stretch", the "incline stretch", or the "put a towel around your feet and pull up until it hurts stretch". If any of these are working for you, that's great, you don't need any advice. In most cases, for the patients I see, these stretches put too much tension on the already tender achilles tendon. Contracting the muscle when it is in a stretched position, as initial therapy of an injured achilles tendon is not a good thing.