7:45 AM - So I am really getting discouraged about working stupid hours. All this week is either 10 to 7 or 11 to 8, except for today, and sometimes in the mornings I just can't get up early enough to get going and get out there for a run. I hate working all the worthwhile part of the day so that when I come home and actually want to get stuff done, it's already dark, not to mention makes me stay up until 11 or 12. I still haven't had a day to just rest up from all the drains of that last semester. Oi.. so I woke up and decided to go out for a run. I felt really good today considering I haven't had treadmill time in forever! I think it's going to be really hard to even shoot for 40 mile weeks without the treadmill. The treadmill really helps me get in needed miles on days where the weather doesn't allow a run outside, or the stupid schedule conflicts. I mean I like snow sometimes, but when there's a whopping 9 hours of daylight out there's not much you can do, huh? Ran out on the backroads the normal ~ 8 mile loop with Parkis Mills to Graves to Alexander and back on Parkis Mills. Total elevation ranged from 966 ft to 674ft with equal ascent and descent, though with at least 6 rolling hills, I definitely felt the last 2 miles in my legs. Overall though felt really well and wasn't breathing harder than normal, except for the last mile and a bit which is basically completely uphill. Was nice to see I was really off in my calculations for where mile markers were. Thought I hit the 4 mile mark at 31:45. Was probably much closer to 30:00. Same with 5 mile mark which I thought I hit in 39. Probably closer to 37:30. Total Mileage: 8.13 Total Time: 1:01:04 Average Pace: 7:30 SUPER HAPPY WITH THIS RUN. I Mean about 2 months ago on a similar effort, it would have taken me about 1:08 or 1:10 to run this. I think this is a sign of good things to come!!! **TWO CONCERNS OF LATE: (1) Jonn commented to me that my left leg is substantially less defined than my right leg. Will this lead to injury down the road? It doesn't feel like I use my right leg as a crutch or anything, or perhaps I'll only be as good as my weakest leg? Also (2) I am struggling with miles it seems ever since the treadmill broke. As long as I am getting in 25 or 30 miles a week will I still be able to at least maintain my current level of fitness? Or am I going to be losing any of that "speed" I gained this fall? I think it was in the Dec. Issue of Running Times that they talked about the McMillan predictor and someone said it's actually better to do sub-tempo runs. I.e. you start with 3 miles one week with 2miles w/u and w/d, and then extend it until you do either an hour or 10 miles at sub-tempo pace. I guess this is what Japanese runners do in prep for spring and summer racing during the winter. What do you think?