5:00 PM - Long day at school, though it was worth it. Got a 100 on my Criminal Justice test, two 100's on Sociology papers, and then I got back my 15 pager from Colonial North American History that counts for 40% of that class grade AND more importantly was the last major paper of my UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES!!! It had a big "A" on the cover plus the note, "Great work, Benn. The best in the class by far. I mean that." So yeah, that definitely fired me up for the ride home. Until I got to CVS and found out that my not-so-awesome Gilette Mach 3 Turbo was going to cost me $22.00 for replacement blades! Honestly, what the hell man. I could have bought a new razor and like 12 replacement blades for it, but rather than do that, I did right and saved the planet a little and just sucked it up and bought the blades, swearing under my breath and the stupid American dollar. Got home, and it was dark, and as I live in boondocks, treadmill it was grrr. Did 4 miles @ 7:30 pace and felt great, but bored. Forgot to grab a book to read, and no tv in the room so staring at the wall while I did 4 easy miles in 30:00 was hard enough as it was. Switched and did 4 or 5 x 90 "on" and then 60 seconds "off". Then threw in a 120 or 140 sec burst at end. Hit the 6 mile mark in 43:56 - 7:19 average pace ( I think the "on" were about 6:45-6:50 pace then). Total Mileage: 6.5 Total Time: ~47:45 Ian and anyone else I'm interested in your opinion about running form. I follow your runs daily and always love the entries. This one in particular today is interesting for me because I have horrible form. I get it from my dad (I look almost exactly like him) and I am flat footed and wear orthodics. I think I am "bowlegged" that is my knees and thighs face outwards while my shins and feet tend to want to rotate inwards. the orthopedic had told me I would be lucky to be running when I'm 40 :-. On top of that I swing my arms left to right. I don't consciously feel that, but I do. IN looking at video and pictures you can clearly see. I thought this was due just to the way i'm designed with wide hips and then the whole bowlegged thing. What's your take on it? or anyone else's for that matter? It stinks that I have such horrible biomechanics. Maybe I should just keep running. I know everyone's different so maybe that's just my thing. I just got to try that much harder to overcome it. When I try to run with "proper form" like they try to teach you in xc, it didn't help and I just feel alien and tense and unrelaxed. Yikes! (going to post this to my blog too)