Round 2, Day #42 (Part I): 4am treadmill workout, 3.11 miles in 26:58 @ 5% grade (8:40/mile). School or no school, not going to let my job dictate my life any more. Time to get lean and mean. I got races to prep for! Hoping for a longer Part II tonight, but at least I started the day on a good note.
Sweat in the eyes man,
Stings so friggin' bad. Fat down,
Shorts on the ground, just
White knuckle to the finish.
“I recall being in a training camp at Woodville, in northeast Texas, in 1970 when about thirty of us went for a 22-mile run on a hot, humid day. There were broad smiles when the American boys saw me changing into a pair of women’s cotton briefs. But at the end of the run I was the only one not chafed. The next day, about thirty runners traipsed into the local women’s clothing store and asked for female briefs. The woman attendant looked alarmed until it was explained why so many men wanted women’s underclothes. She did great business.†- Arthur Lydiard, Running the Lydiard Way Round 2, Day #42 (Part II): 6 miles total in 48:24, good for 8:04/ mile average pace. First two were a little slow and last two were a little quick, but not more than a :12 or :14 spread from the 8:04 pace. Happy with the effort. (Red Vibrams)
Run with ambition, Purity yields wisdom, go! Tell others! Conquer!
Today's quote comes from our very own Patrick Sweeney: "Went off for a short run through streets of Managua, got lost, saw a bunch of cool touristy stuff, stopped for a a couple of giant beers, played baseball with some local kids, heard my theme song playing as ran past a restaurant barefoot and got a ton of whistles from the local ladies ( well Tyler did that is) I just got chased by wild dogs but on the bright side none of them caught me. Life is good:-)"