Was shooting for low 16 this race, but we came down with a stomach bug earlier this week and that ruined my plans. I still managed to run 16:52, a PR, and I'm hapy about that. My splits were pretty even -- 8:24 out and 8:28 coming back. I just did not have it today. The race was really competitive, even more than Draper days -- I was 17th with 16:52.
I warmed up about 1.3, and cooled down 4, so 8.4 total. I know I haven't written much over the last month or so. Ever since I started classes at BYU, my schedule has been pretty hectic, escpecially because I'm studying Linear Algebra on top of all my regular classes and homework. This is actually the first time in my life when I have had homework that is graded. In fact, this is the first time in my life when I attended a class that gave out grades! Anyway, I think I'm settling into a regular schedule, getting more organized about stuff. I'll try to start writing more in the next couple weeks.