PM - Ran 1.92 in 22.01 AHR 154, 75% of max, HR Range 148-163, 17.00 in zone, peak 169, cal 510 based on 232 lbs. 11.28 pace.
I was nervous about the run after my last one. I was prepared to bail early if my leg started to act up. I wore my old Brooks Addiction shoes. I didn't have any issues. My right shin hurts a titch. I really think I need to find a new running route without any camber in the road, but it is nice to start from my doorstep. I might have to start driving to a canal or something.
I signed up for a study at ASU where they will test my vo2max, test my percent body fat with some kind of machine where I get doused with radiation while holding still for 20 minutes, have a stress test where they make me talk about stressful situations and put my hand in cold water for three minutes while they see what affect that has on my cortisol production, They will measure some hormones with blood tests during the vo2max treadmill test. Should be interesting. My turn should come up sometime at the end of next month. They don't pay anything, but I will get the results of my tests. If I get picked for the non-control group they will have me do some "simple exercizes" while standing on a vibrating board. If anyone in az is interested I would be glad to give you the info. They need 100 people and have 23 signed up so far. You have to be a militart aged guy, I can't remember the exact age range, but I think 21-40.