PM - Ran 1.92 in 22.07 AHR 144, 67% of max, HR Range 148-163, 11:36 in zone, peak 169, cal 455 based on 232 lbs. 11.31 pace.
I planned on running yesterday, but had cub scout blue and gold banquet and went to get a hair cut and didn't end up running. My calves were sore from my president's day hike so it was probably a good day to miss. My calves were sore today as well.
A couple of runs ago I tried running slower to keep my heart rate down and eliminate my walks thinking that would give me a better time. That theory didn't hold up. So this time I ran a little faster and took more walk breaks. The result was shaving over 20 seconds off my pace. I have never had the opportunity to pass anyone on a run before. Today I passed two different sets of arm pumping fitness walkers.