I will go running later tonight, but for now here is a news article.
Teenage handbag thief outpaced by 72-year-old ex-sprinter
She added: "I didn't think of my safety, but I did pay for it a little the next day. I was covered in aches and pains and my daughter turned to me and said it was because I didn't warm up properly." PM - Ran 1.92 in 23.17 AHR 155, 76% of max, HR Range 148-163, 19:16 in
zone, peak 166, cal 545 based on 232 lbs. 12.07 pace. I scaled back my mileage this run, because Sasha has convinced me to run 6 days a week. I plan on running 2.5 tomorrow as long as I feel good as I have Sunday to recuperate from it. This will be the first time I have ever run 2 consecutive days. I have been thinking about why Sasha wants people to run 6 days a week and I have decided it is so their are more blog posts which will increase the google page rank and get him higher in search engines, which gets more bloggers signed up and generates more add revenue. I have seen him blogging about linux, so he is savy enough to pull that off. I hope the website continues to bea a success so I can buy into that reasoning to. This run felt like a big improvement. Normally I get just under half a mile before my hr monitor beeps and tells me I have reached the upper limit of my zone. Today I got nearly a mile before that happened. also my walk breaks before my HR beeped telling me I am at the bottom of my zone were much shorter. I haven't run this short route in a few weeks, I will have to look at the log and see how much my time has improved in the last couple of weeks. I really want to get under a 12 mpm pace. Oh and a car that passed me peeled out after he passed me. He is a neighbor just up the street from me. He won't be getting any cookies next christmas.