Seriously awesome run along the north coast of the Dominican Republic. Had the hotel driver take me up the coast and drop me off 20 miles north of any hotels on the coastline. Could be the longest run on just sand I can remember. Only saw two other people the whole afternoon. I have all day tomorrow here too and I'm coming right back up. It's amazing what $10 US will get you here.
I finished an interesting book, not an easy read but a lot to think about; Indian Running. Written about the Tarahumara and a few other tribes some twenty years before Born To Run. Since reading it I've been thinking about his observation why was impossible for the indians to succeed in Western races. A run was like a banquet for them, often they would just walk away after a race. They got everything out of it they came for during the race. Some of the running I get a chance to do like today or some of the canyon running feel the same.