AM-Just enough time for an easy 10 miler this morning. Sandy bench. 7-8/min pace. Mainly 7/min most miles. Started out slow and let the run just come to me this morning. PM-No run this afternoon. Busy with cleaning up all the junk in my house that has been pulled out with the recent painting project. Besides.. my legs are not feeling speedy anyway. The heart rates are really good for a given pace, and breathing is easy but again legs say I need a break. Has any one else experienced this before? I can't think this is a glycogen issue as I put away a pound of grapes, some berries and half a container of Neapolitan Ice Cream last night for dinner and that was on top of a grilled cheese sandwich! Again energy levels are good and heart rates are good but legs don't feel the same way unfortunately. I'm going to err on the cautious side and nix the second run this evening.