AM: Zombie death march. The Monday followed me to Tuesday. I guess I shouldn't have bad mouthed it. Was meant to be a commute run in via Memory Grove but scratched that when I realized I wouldn't get in, shower, and set-up in time for my 7am meeting. Avg. 11:20 (no kidding) HR 118 further support that I was not moving... PM: The day went from bad to worse, to even worse, with a slight silver lining the last 30 min as a result of a very dedicated student working for me. I attempted a speed workout to make up for the day, clear my head, and redeem myself from the morning jog. I guess sometimes you should just except that the day is done and look toward tomorrow. I did the home 5K but I would not call it speed by any stretch of the imagination. 5:44, 5:58, and 6:16. Not sure what is doing on but I'm sure the mentally stressful day didn't help. Live to fight another day. Avg. 7:27 HR 154