Typical Monday for me, went in thinking I would get 100 things done and fell short at 75. I also had some fun trying to get to work as I locked myself out of my car. Don’t ask. Let’s just say it is not a good idea to have 5 things in your hands while you are trying to close the trunk of your car… I did however manage to get into work on time though.
Wasn’t sure what I was going to run today, thought anywhere between 5-8. On my last loop around SH I ran into James again, so I tacked on an extra loop with him and took a slightly longer way home so I ended up with the 8 miles. Trying to talk him into joining the lab. He sounds slightly interested.
I felt fine during the run. I have to remind myself to be patient. I felt so good last week with the 80 that I keep thinking let’s do it again but I’ll try and take it slow. I still have a little over three months to race day… Avg. 7:33 HR 146 |