Tried to beat the heat at the other end. A bit better ~70F at 6am. Did 2 mi wu, 3x1 with 1/4 rest and 1.5 mi cd up toward campus and back home. wu 2 mi Avg. 9:49 HR 140 Mi 1: 5:30.05 HR 173 Net -178ft Rest 1/4: 2:03 HR 157 Mi 2: 5:25.47 HR 176 Net -173ft Rest 1/4: 1:53 HR 165 Mi 3: 5:31.59 HR 185 Net -80ft cd 1.5 mi Avg. 9:21 HR 161 Felt tired but good. With the elevation loss on the first two repeats I was hoping for about 10-20 sec faster. However, effort wise it was all I could do this morning. Now for a day of writing...