| Location: Wichita,KS, Member Since: Sep 14, 2008 Gender: Female Goal Type: Local Elite Running Accomplishments: marathon pr: 2:59:49. Saint George 2011
Praire Spirit 50 mile winner 7:36:30 2013
I accidentally ran 100 miles in November 2013. it was hard. I threw up a lot. decided to do a better job next time
I did it again on purpose October 2014--Heartland 100 winner and CR 17:38:37
Heartland 50 winner May 2014
Psycho Wyco 50k winner February 2012
Short-Term Running Goals: Run enough to hold off the middle-age spread
Long-Term Running Goals:
Sub 3 hour marathon--SOMEDAY! Done!
New long term goal: ....run enough to feel kinda like I did when I was fit
Personal: I was a single mom. Two times over. We all survived, despite the fact that I make atrocious decisions. Then, I met a man I didn't deserve. And he loves me so much. And I love him. We lived in sin and bought a house for two years then hired a judge and officially got married(to our great delight and also the delight of our mothers), then a month later he was diagnosed with cancer. Well we survived all that and he's 100% fine now. But, we're really out of shape and really busy with kids and jobs and running just isn't my priority and there's so many other layers to all of it, but I'm running anyway. This is my failure blog now. Just to log that one run a week if I snag it.
Somehow that matters and I want that run recorded. Favorite Blogs: |
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Asics Miles: 34.85 | New Blue Asics Miles: 8.00 |
| | 1:14:56/8:15 pace. Surprisingly, no soreness from Saturday's race today, although I could feel it a bit in my quads yesterday. Weird. Usually I feel it more in my hamstrings. Pace felt super-easy today. Paid for my Easter sins in a little weight(they were fantastic cadbury cream egg, margarita, chips and queso, and cake sins). I will be good all week and it should go away! Had a boiled egg, milk, and a few pieces of my homemade whole grain banana bread. I made it with ground wheatberries, amaranth, rolled oats, brown sugar, and olive oil, so it counts as pretty healthy I think. Not nearly as grainy as I thought it would be. |
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| | 1:10:50/8:42 pace. Took it easy today. Feeling some little nagging aches and pains--the ones I get when it is time for new shoes. I ordered them yesterday so hopefully they get here within the week. This will be a long week--I have clinicals this weekend. Yuck. |
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| | 1:20:44/8:53 pace. Took the pace really easy today as suggested by Eric and Camille. No nagging aches and pains like I had yesterday but it is good to be cautious. I also took 800mg of motrin before bed last night as a precaution. Yesterday I was running on asphalt and today I ran on dirt and I think that makes a big difference.. My joints like dirt much better! I am so glad that nothing hurt today and all was well. It was gorgeous running weather--fifty degrees, nice cooling breeze, and sunny. Very enjoyable run! |
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1:12:31/8:29 pace. I really meant to take it super easy today, but when I was close to the one west mile mark running e getting ready to turn down goldenrod I saw something I have never seen out here on the dirt roads--ANOTHER RUNNER. He was running east and turned before I did. Naturally I picked it up and caught him. He looked very young, maybe 20 and I introduced myself and told him I had never seen another runner out here. He didn't have much to say so I passed him and moved along. About 1/2 mile later he comes huffing and puffing past me, gaps me, and then slows down. I am quickly reeling him in when he disappears down a driveway and I don't see him again. Check out the way he was dressed--keep in mind it is almost 60 degrees and sunny--downright hot for me. He is wearing long basketball shorts, some kind of t-shirt with a long-sleeve flannel shirt over it(unbuttoned and flapping in the breeze) and a stocking cap. I'll be surprised if I ever see him again.
Oh yeah, yesterday I signed for an all women's 5K on the 25th. There are usually well over 1,000 participants and apparently they have an awesome awards ceremony and it is a really neat event. I haven't been in a 5K since my first one ever in October which was 24:50--the first half of my 10K last week was 22:13 so I guest that would be my pr. I'll probably shoot for a 21:30? I dunno I'm thinking maybe I will experiment a little bit--try going out at a suicidal pace and see what happens? Or start conservative and then take off?
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| | 1:18:03/8:36 pace. I really thought I was holding the reigns in and was running really easy. Got my new shoes this morning and I could tell the difference immediately in my run. Old ones only have 333 miles on them and they are not so hot. I either need to find higher quality shoes and pay a little more if they last longer, or I need to find cheaper ones that work if I am going to replace them every two months. These shoes are sooo comfortable though!(for about 300 miles) Did 2 sets of strength drills afterward. |
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| | 8 loops at 4am at a trotting 8:57 pace. Now I am drinking my morning coffee and will be off to clinicals shortly. Did a little barefoot(okay sockfoot--I'm a wimp) running in the pasture yesterday. Felt good, very light and not a pounding sensation at all. I really liked it. My husband is going to mow me a nice path that will be rock, stick, and sticker free so I can do more little barefoot runs. Should help with injury resistance! |
New Blue Asics Miles: 8.00 |
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Asics Miles: 34.85 | New Blue Asics Miles: 8.00 |
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