Yesterday exhaustion caught up to me and an extra hour of sleep won over a run. Work last night wasn't terrible, so after a nice little 30 minute session of EMS crossfit at 5am at post(sandbag crunches, airway-bag stepupes, bumper decline pushups, etc...)and a cup of coffee, I chose to get my run done before going to sleep after getting Vanessa off to school. It was 6 degrees outside and I just didn't have it in me, so hit the treddy at the East Y. I wanted a workout and some miles, but wanted to be respectful of my fatigued body. Ended up doing a run that sorta mimics the gear-changes that happen throughout an ultra.
2 x (1 mile ez, 1 mile up 4% 7:30, 1 ez, 1 up 1% 6:40, 1 ez, 1 down -2% 6:18), then the same series one more time except with 1/2 mile increments, and 1 to cool down.
I lack peppy legs and speed but felt strong-legged and although I was tired, and aerobically wasn't particularly challenged by this workout. It was just about the right balance of work today.