This was sortuva last minute deal. A couple of my running buddies were doing it, so after I got off work this morning I set th ealrm for noon, it went off and I decided I felt rested enought after 5 hours to get up and go run. This is a low-key race with no prizes but everyone gets a mug and a first-aid kit and gets dirty, plus it's close to home. It had mud and sand and wind but it was fun. I missed a turn coming back and mucked through some more mud before hitting a dead end and having to backtrack, so lost a few minutes in there. I was able to re-pass about half of the people who got by I think. Anyways, it really doesn't fit in my training plan but it was a good time with friends and I'm glad I went. I don't feel like I really "raced"--I ran solid but it wasn't an all-out redline effort.